USED 1950 to 1983
 | USED 1983 to PRESENT
In April 1999 Ernest Hagler, brother of the late Stanley Hagler, reported the following story of the Hagler Jewelry Company to Lucille Tempesta, co-founder of VFCJ Magazine along with Davida Baron who retired from the magazine in 1996.
"After Stan's funeral (June, 1996) in Denver, CO my wife and I returned to Florida to settle his affairs. The findings were sold to one company, the beads to another. Both buyers were cautioned not to use the name Stanley Hagler in any manner. The few finished pieces we found we kept to distribute to members of the family. Our last act in Florida was to donate his remaining possessions to charity. In our minds this was the final chapter in the life and beautiful work of Stan, and we were content we had achieved closure.
But we were wrong. In a bizzare twist, two of Stan's former employees were vying for the use of his name. The attorney of Mark Mercy (M&M????) wrote to me requesting a non exclusive licencing agreement for the use of the name Stanley Hagler. My brother and I rejected this . The other ex employee Ian Gielar incorporated the name"Stanley Hagler and Company" without our knowedge or consent. He claims he formed the company to prevent and I quote "parasites and vultures" from copying Stan's work."
Lucille further explained that "Ernest Hagler agreed to come to the VFCJ 1997 convention to tell its members the true story of this situation. It was very difficult for him to do so because of his loss, yet he did to clarify the situation for collectors. The Hagler Company died when Stanley died. There is no new Hagler anything!!!"
Lucille has announced her retirement from VFCJ and the end of the magazine in the December 2009 issue. We wish her luck and good health and thank her for all the wonderful work she did to elevate the awareness and knowledge of Vintage Fashion & Costume Jewelry.
Below are two examples of STANLEY HAGLER jewelry. If you have questions on any of the pieces, let me know. You can contact me through the form below the images.
[Click on the thumbnails for larger, more detailed images.]
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Gemstones & Minerals in Jewelry
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