I have put together a collection of images of some of my favorite vintage jewelry designers. By no means is it a comprehensive list of vintage jewelry designers, just a few pieces I have had (and in some cases, still have) of select vintage designer jewelry that I thought were special. You can view the designer jewelry pieces of some of my favorite vintage jewelry designers by clicking on the jewelry designer's name below.
To see items for sale by any of the designers listed or others for that matter, enter their last name, e.g., Haskell, in the SEARCH box (to the right above) and click the button below it. You will be taken to a page with a complete description, size, price and thumbnail (which you can click for a more detailed view) of items available by that designer.
You can order any item(s) directly from that page by clicking in the checkbox next to the item(s) you wish to order and then clicking the button ADD ITEMS TO MY CART. To purchase additional items or to browse the catalogue, use the drop-down menu at the top of each page of the catalogue.